Wednesday, September 19, 2012

How To Merge Onto The Freeway

Apparently there are many people out there who have no idea what an on-ramp is, or how to properly merge onto the freeway, so today I will inform those who need more information.

Let me begin by saying that the whole point of a freeway in the first place is to quickly get from point A to point B. This is why the speed limit (which should actually be called the speed minimum) is much higher on a freeway than it is on a normal road. So anytime you are driving in a manner which is slowing people down, you are driving in a way that is against the spirit and utility of the highway.

Alright, so how do you safely get onto the freeway? The best, and most legal, way of getting your car onto a highway is via an on-ramp. These are short spans of paved road which connect whatever road you're starting off on with the freeway. The ENTIRE point of these sections of road is to provide you with enough room to accelerate to the speed that traffic is moving on the freeway.

An on-ramp is not designed for meandering down lazily only to emerge into traffic going half of the speed limit. If you do not possess the skills to get your car moving fast enough to put your car into traffic without slowing anyone else down, then you do not possess the skills required to be driving on a freeway. So stay the fuck off of it.

The opposite of an on-ramp is a stretch of road which is called an off-ramp. My more astute readers will readily deduce the purpose of an off-ramp, but for the numb skulls out there who require further assistance, I will explain this concept to you.

An off-ramp is a piece of paved road which is designed for slowing down while exiting off of a freeway. If properly utilized, there is no reason that you should have to slow down while still on the freeway when attempting to get off.

A huge amount of traffic is generated by people who neither know what on/off-ramps are for nor properly use them. Be courteous to people who actually know how to drive, and mankind in general, and fucking drive like you're not an idiot when you're getting on and off of a freeway.

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